Friday, May 18, 2007


Dogsitting for a friend of mine. She thinks I'm doing her a favor, looking after the beasts while she's away. What I'm not sure she fully appreciates is that she's doing me a favor -- it's a blast getting to walk and run with these guys, and Brady (the St. Bernard) doesn't seem to get bored no matter how much I hug him. He's much more huggable post-washing.


Elizabeth said...

I thought he was a St. Bernard.

You could always get your own dog, you know. Go for something smaller. Like a Chihuahua. You could carry it in your shirt pocket.

Andrew Petro said...

Which goes to show how much I know about dogs...

Andrew Petro said...

I don't think I want to get my own dog. They're too much responsibility. Rent-a-dog is clearly the way to go.

Orthoclase said...

Say hello to Bradley for me.