Sunday, September 02, 2007

A big beautful dog, full of bugs and stuff

Continued dogsitting today. Woke around 6 to take Brady out. We had a good run, made it out to Hanger and back, refilling the canine at the doggie drinking fountain.

Then I went back to sleep and woke noonish. Not feeling so good - I hope it's just odd allergy symptoms from being around the dog and cats. Must get some more Claritin. Though that probably won't help with the drowsiness.

Went to Taqueria Mi Casita last night and had leftovers from there for "breakfast" this "morning". Washed down with some prune flavored Activia.

I've been working through The Amazing Dog Trick Kit with Brady. So far we're still working on mastering sitting on command. I think we're just getting back to the maybe 50% effectiveness of the command we were at before I started in with the kit. The clicker is a lot of fun, though. He's tired out and naps between play sessions, so I must be doing something right.

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