Sunday, October 22, 2006


Today's homily was about serice, how to be of service to others, the meaning in service, and the healthful perspective service can bring. Karma isn't the word for it, but there's nonetheless something to it.

I met up with Katie's family for pre-church coffee. Speaking of perspective, having your Sunday best clothes thoroughly licked by dogs puts it perspective. Demonstrating respect for the experience by dressing up seems like the right way to go about it. But it's not about the clothes.

Deposited my newspapers for recycling at church. I wonder what kind of return they get on the recycled newspaper. Not sure. But gives me a place to put it, and the collection policy there is broader -- includes random other paper, juunk mail, magazines -- than it is at the neighborhood collection point. I'm still just a wee bit irked that the apartment complex doesn't itself collect recyclables, especially since there's apparently a market for at least newspaper recycling. Add that high on the list of things to look for in my next apartment.

Dragging the laptop to a cafe to do some work.

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