Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Dogsitting Johan and Cubby. (And catsitting Alexis, Reggie, and Shenanigans).

Johan has a slight limp, he hurt his leg somehow. Gimpy dog (yet still distinguished and handsome). So he got a very short walk up the sidewalk and back.

Cubby appears to be well and was jumping around, so he got more than an hour worth of walking, which took some of the starch out of him.

All five animals gathered round when I had a cheeseburger for dinner. Bunch of vultures. I didn't let them have any.


raraweez said...

Johan busted his pelvis getting hit by a car. I'm going to tell him you called him gimpy. I hope he doesn't cry.

Andrew Petro said...

I also hope he doesn't cry. I meant him no offense. But I think he's pretty aware that he's got a limp from time to time.

Maybe tell him I'll make it up to him by finding him some especially plant-adorned walking routes?