Friday, November 23, 2007

Apple, please get with the Java program ( 13949712720901ForOSX )

So, I'll bite.


I'd like to see Apple release a quality Java 6 JDK for OS X. I'd further like to see them admit that they're not going to release these things with any kind of regularity, and so they'd like to instead encourage Sun to do it for them or even better that they'd like to kick what resources they can into doing this work in open source.

Actually, personally, I'd love to see Apple's software empire collapse, hoisted on its own petard.

A model of "please, please, oh vendor, grace us by giving us the obvious thing this platform needs to be a good platform for which to develop stuff" is pretty hopelessly broken. I'm more in favor of a free as in freedom model where everyone is maximally empowered to produce maximally excellent software for the platform. One path to this empowerment is making all the source code free to read, free to use, free to modify, and free to redistribute.

However, I don't have a lot of hope for Apple open-sourcing all their IP in the near term, and that will be just fine. (I get very OS X like experiences on Ubuntu where I'm allowed to see the source code I'm running and even modify and redistribute it, incidentally.)

It would be better for JDK 6 to be unambiguously the go-to modern Java platform, without having to deal with any whining from Mac OS X users that it's hard to get working on that platform, so, Apple, please get with the program.

Ok, thanks, bye.

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