Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Feast

I think my favorite is something we call "Grandma Clark's Salad", a cool-whip-and-Jello salad with celery and cherries. Very tasty. Sweet potatoes are a close second.

We missed Elizabeth this year. The first Thanksgiving where mom and dad and my sister and I were not together for the holiday.

After dinner we took a walk. Hales Corners hasn't changed much since last I was home. On our walk we met up briefly with a childhood friend of mine, Chris. He's married now and in graduate school and wow have I lost touch. I should do a better job of staying connected with people. Connections between real human beings are important.

This evening we played Word Thief, my parents and I. Lots of fun. I won both games, but my parents made them close games. I suspect if Elizabeth were home she'd have given me a run for my money.

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