Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Usinger bratwurst, hotdog buns, apples, and brie

Visiting New Haven. Anthony has generously taken me in for a few days. This evening we enjoyed a dinner of Usinger bratwurst on hotdog buns accompanied by apples and brie.

For some reason the heat in the frat house isn't keeping up, so we're relying upon a really quite powerful space heater. I don't think the pipes are actually in any danger of freezing -- it's still warmer here than in my "55 degrees like President Carter told us" parents' house.

Breakfast was the oddly satisfying fried egg on a hard roll from Educated Burgher. This was a frequent meal the summer after my junior year when I lived here on Lynwood place and worked at YSOC.

Lunch was a turkey sandwich from Koffee. The bacon helped. Really very good, thanks for introducing me to this, Fran.

Lots of good food, but the highlights of the day were QAing Drew's new GuestReg (very cool, Spring WebMVC is a beautiful thing), working on the course reserve channel (JUnit is a beautiful thing), and discovering Spring's BeanUtils and their usefulness in the context of copy constructors.

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